Proper Hosting – There are many individuals out there who would like to start a web page, but they don’t know exactly where to start. When they hear all of the mumbo jumbo about web hosting, they turn their head. Folks, getting a website up and running isn’t complicated at all – in fact, it is easy.
Okay, let’s start out by looking into what happens if you were to make the wrong hosting choice.
Choosing the wrong hosting company can have a negative impact on your income, believe it or not. Here are some things that could happen if you don’t go for the best hosting out there:
A Harsh Effect on Your SEO Ranking
When it comes to creating a website, what is your goal? Surely you would like to make some money off of it and in order to do so, you need to have visitors come in to your site. If there is a negative impact on your SEO, you aren’t going to get many visitors.
Loss of Income
If you choose a poor provider, your site could continuously go down. Having a site that continuously goes down is bad, because it will make it hard for people to view your blog posts or see whatever you are offering. It’s even worse if you have an online store, because when the site is down, you could lose out on potential income. Do you remember when Amazon went out for 40-minutes? That simple 40-minute outage cost them a total of $5 million dollars. Of course, your loss may not be that big, but regardless, it is still a loss of income either way you stack it.
More at Risk of Attacks
There is no real solution out there that will keep your website secure. However, if you go with a poor hosting company, you are at even more risk of a malware attack.
Choosing a Good Hosting Company Can …
Hardly No Downtime

No downtime dedicated server hosting
A proper hosting company will understand just how important no downtime is. Like we explained above, downtime can really kill a site. When you choose a proper hosting company, you don’t have to worry about downtime, because unless there is a horrible accident, their servers will be up and running.
Have a Good Effect on Your SEO Ranking – For some reason, top hosting companies aren’t going to hurt your SEO.
Top Security
Good hosting companies offer top of the line security, which will protect you from those unwanted security and malware attacks that happen all too often via the World Wide Web. While there is no real solution that will keep your website secure, choosing a reputable web hosting company that will back up your date will make it easier for you to restore everything if an attack ever happened.
Assist You with Technical Support
A reliable hosting company will be there for you whenever you need them. If you ever need any form of hosting support or experience and security issues or maintenance troubles, they will be able to give you a helping hand. A talented hosting company will never turn away from their customers when they need them the most. A really good company will have a customer support line that is open 24/7 to assist their customers with their problems.
Another good aspect of going with a reliable provider is the fact that they understand that their customers are creating sites in order to make money. Therefore, they make sure their prices are affordable. They start out by offering different packages – the higher packages, of course, will cost a bit more, but many times, they are well worth it. Individuals who are just starting out in the online world may choose the lowest package until they get the hang of everything.
How do you choose the best web hosting company?
Of course, going out there and grabbing the first hosting company isn’t going to get you very far – you have to take time to do some research and gain an understanding of what each company offers before you choose them. If you are currently experiencing problems with your provider or if you are a newbie in the field, here are some tips that can help you …
Top of the line customer support is a must
Think about it, the Internet does not have an off button. It never sleeps. So, you need a provider that has customer support available 24/7. Go ahead, if there’s a provider you are thinking of trying, give them a test by contacting them and seeing just how long it takes them to respond back to your question.
Excellent uptime track record
You should definitely go for a hosting provider that has a good uptime track record. As a word of advice – if you see a lot of people complaining about the downtime of a web hosting company, you may want to stay away from it, because like we have stated numerous time, having a site that is continuously down will do more harm than good.
Understand the different options available
There are many different web hosting options that are available for you. It is important that you gain an understanding of them. The options include Shared, Dedicated, VPS and Managed Web hosting. Do your research and learn about these different types of hosting options before you go out and just make a guess.
Don’t just consider the price
The saying “you get what you pay for” wasn’t created for no reason. If you are trying to run a new business, you can’t afford to make a mistake with the web hosting provider. If your site is generating a small amount of people, picking basic web hosting is fine. However, if you have a business that is selling products and you are planning on bringing in a large amount of traffic, you should select a managed or dedicated hosting package. These type of packages will cost you more upfront, but in the long run, they will be more reliable.
Point blank, if you plan on making money from your site and want to get noticed, you need to choose proper hosting. Going for an “off brand” company that you have never heard of isn’t the greatest idea. Read reviews and see what other people have to say before you choose a company.
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