These six web hosting forums have survived the years, unlike numerous others that the industry lost in their rear view mirrors. Each of these forums are broken down into sub-forums addressing everything from Online Internet Marketing and Web Hosting to Social Media Marketing.
While the data for these web hosting forums is impressive, threads, posts and overall activity has recently slowed down industry-wide
In times past, there were quite a few competing forums, but many of those became inundated with shills and spammers, or their owners/administrators moved on to pursue other interests. Well moderated forums keep the garbage minimized. Their own members help by reporting threads and posts that violate that forum’s rules.
First up is Webhostingtalk
What’s there to say about Webhostingtalk, as everyone in the industry is seemingly a member (or has been banned). I am a Retired Moderator there from many, many years back, so I’ve witnessed this forum grow through the decades. It’s still one of the leaders of the pack in terms of popularity. In a Google search for web hosting forums, it currently ranks as number one. Saying that, it is odd to see all of their sidebar advertisements empty.
This forum is certainly impeccably well managed as you won’t find broken images or links scattered here and there. Their Community Leaders and Liaisons are top notch, which speaks volumes. Is there anyone who doesn’t know who “Bear” is? He’s joined by other Community Leaders, anon-e-mouse and Postbox.
Next up is Hosting Discussion
Hosting Discussion comes in at number seven in a Google search for web hosting forums. This is a web hosting forum for professionals and enthusiasts, discussing general hosting, reseller opportunities, VPS and dedicated solutions, cloud hosting and a myriad of other web hosting topics.
As noted in the above illustration, it stouts the highest average pageviews per visitor at 6.42. This attests to the quality of value-add threads and posts. Again here, you won’t find any broken images and links strewn about. This forum recently converted from vBulletin to Xenforo, extensively upgrading it’s look and feel. ranks at number two behind WHT as it’s popularity has soared in recent years. It’s a web hosting forum where you’ll find in-depth discussions and resources to help you find the best hosting providers for your websites. If you’re a web hosting provider looking to advertise your services in their marketplace be prepared to open your wallet though, in stark contrast to their competition.
Their Admin and Mods keep this forum on the rails running smoothly down the tracks. Threads and posts are definitely value-add. Plus, it has a very different vibe as compared to, let’s say WHT. It’s much more visual which adds to it’s appeal.
Webmastersun very closely mimics in design, coming across as it’s maternal twin. It’s members are what brings this forum to life, with in-depth discussions that help its readers navigate topics like Search Engine Optimization and Pay Per Click Advertising to Content Management.
Here again, it’s unique visual layout adds flavor to sometimes very complex and technical discussions. You won’t find a lot of fluff there as its threads and posts generally enrich their readers.
Digital Point
For years, Digital Point ruled the roost alongside WHT, but of the six, they’ve slipped over the years in appearance, most notably in all of the broken avatars, images and links. They’re still number six in SERPS, attributed largely to its huge member base of 917,402.
In contrast to the other five forums, signatures are not allowed except for established members. Quoting their rules, ” Established members are members that have a few extra perks because they contributed something useful to this site. It’s actually not hard to become an established member, but it does require some minimal effort… Specifically, you become an established member 48 hours after you register AND 3 different existing established members “Like” a post you wrote.”
Warrior Forum
The Warrior Forum features a Private War Room where members are invited to talk with Internet Marketing Superstars. It also provides access to hundreds of eBooks, strategies, tools and digital marketing resources to take your business to the next level. Members get instant access for $8.08/Month (billed annually). If you’re looking to “Supercharge Your Online Business,” their War Room is the ultimate online marketing toolbox to help you dominate the Internet marketplace.
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