Saint Patrick’s Day Sale 10% Off All Servers At Our Los Angeles and Denver Data Centers Use coupon code: GETOFFTODAY Valid March 15th through March 18th Examples of Los …
A Secure Shell (SSH) client is software that uses the SSH cryptographic protocol to enable users to connect to other computers, primarily to transfer files and for terminal access. …
Does life go on without email? If your dedicated server somehow gets marked as sending spam by email networks like Outlook, Yahoo or Google, you may be forced to …
We collocate our servers in the WebNX data center. ProlimeHost utilizes top tier data center infrastructure comprised of optimized high-performance Border Gateway Patrol (BGP) routes out of 800 Hope …
When forced to select between the two, the choice between Linux and Windows dedicated servers depends greatly on the types of applications you plan to run. Personal computers are …
In an earlier article, I talked extensively about disaster recovery, but since WordPress is rapidly becoming the content management system (CMS) of choice, I thought I’d delve into how …
The Indian Regulatory Telecom Authority (TRAI) put a halt to Mark Zuckerberg’s free basics app, ruling that it violates net neutrality by privileging content. The ruling does permit …
Is Microsoft trending toward open source? Windows and Linux are the two most popular operating systems installed on all dedicated servers. Under new management, Microsoft has shifted somewhat to …
One of the key differences between these two virtualization platforms is the ability to oversell these to clients, leading to degradation of their services. OpenVZ works best if the …
Quite a large number of websites have endured Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks over the years. Usually these types of attacks cause massive numbers of computers to send …