New Hires – Are They Right? Or No?

Best practice hiring procedures and policies are essential in managing a Human Resources department, but a very costly expense if done incorrectly.

Best practice hiring proceduresAbout fifteen years ago, I went to a management seminar in Saint Louis that primarily focused on hiring practices. The consultant who conducted this seminar contended that ‘bad’ hires amounted to a ‘$50,000′ mistake. As a business owner myself, I’ve hired and fired more than I ever imagined over the past 30 years. I think we all hope that new hires will exceed our expectations, but suspect very few businesses have structured plans to maximize their success.

While the following principles apply cross-industry, these aptly apply to web hosting providers as well.

Will new hires fit the team?

Sometimes, new hires appear to be a perfect fit, possessing the exact job requirements, coming aboard with great recommendations. But will they fit the team or department in their new position? How would you know without some method to thoroughly evaluate your candidate?

human traitsBehavioral Evaluations

A new hire’s overall job performance is determined by whether that individual can and will use his/her skills, capacities and aptitudes to his/her best advantage in a given job. You can predict how a person will use his/her skills, capacities and aptitudes in a particular job from the presence of absence of three controlling factors – drive & ambition, behavior pattern and behavioral energy. This directly relates to their level of comfort on the job. A typical Behavioral Evaluation consists of descriptions in six behavioral areas plus a section of analytic comments and conclusions called the Success Profile.

What trained managers should look for in candidates

  • Drive and Ambition– the attitude an individual brings to the job regarding personal achievement which determine his level of drive and ambition. How strong is his need to gain the rewards of success and how hard will he work for these benefits? Does he take things as they come? Is he complacent? Does he feel a real need for higher income or greater recognition?
  • Behavior pattern– People tend to behave much the same way day in and day out. Everyone’s behavior pattern is based upon the attitudes acquired toward himself and toward life. It becomes almost impossible to alter your behavior pattern for any length of time and remain comfortable after you have adopted your life’s attitudes and thus your behavior pattern.
  • Aggressiveness– the individual’s need to take charge and be a controlling influence on his surroundings. Is he reluctant to take initiative? Would he rather follow than lead? Is he easily discouraged? Is he decisive and oriented toward direct action? Is he assertive, forceful and compulsive? Does he enjoy having authority?
  • Sociability– the individual’s desire to be involved with people. Social ability is a vital part of a person’s ability to interrelate with others in the job situation. Is he a poor mixer, shy and bashful? Is he helpful only when asked? Does he tend to be bold, outspoken and direct? Is it natural for him to be congenial, fluent and easy to like? Does he actively seek to meet people? Is he normally a good mixer who is influential and enthusiastic?
  • Ability to overcome resistance– the attitude of persistence and self-confidence a person has concerning objectives. Is the individual likely to procrastinate or give in easily? Is he overly sympathetic to another’s viewpoint? Does he avoid controversy? Will he stick to his own convictions and be convincing? Does he have a natural desire to be persuasive and influential?
  • Behavioral energy– the individual’s level of vitality, intensity and overall behavioral energy. The intrinsic guide to how much behavior can be projected into the work situation and for what period. A person cannot role play uncomfortable behavior indefinitely. Depending upon his level of behavioral energy, he can do so for a short period, i.e., during an interview and for a minimum time after job acceptance. The higher the behavioral energy, the longer he can project different kinds of behavior. An individual simply cannot keep up the pace required for the job unless his natural vitality and endurance correspond to the degree of behavioral energy required for the job. High behavioral energy also gives the individual the ability to cope with frustration for longer periods of time without it affecting his work.
  • Motivation– an individual’s needs and values. All people are not motivated to reach the same kinds of goals. Does the person have a strong money motive? Does he seek influence and independence? Is he primarily concerned with security and social approval? Will his motives help or hinder him on the job?


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