Creating videos that draw traffic and produce results (ROI)
Optimizing your YouTube channel isn’t as hard as you might imagine. You don’t need to hire a production crew or purchase a $6000 video camera, but you do need to follow a few simple guidelines to distance your video from the millions upon millions already out there competing for your time. The cold hard facts are that you have, on average, just eight seconds to capture your viewer’s attention. If you don’t have a hook that underscores a unique perspective, achievement, offer or curiosity that causes some sensory stimulation, eighty percent of your prospects will move elsewhere on YouTube without watching the entire video.
Design your hook to last no more than thirty seconds to one minute
After you’ve set the hook, transition to your explanation on how you intend to help them get from the promise of the hook to the results they want.
The most often used HOOK in business videos
The unique powerful offer, which normally revolves around words such as FREE, risk free, exceeds your expectations and so on is the most often used hook in business videos.
How to start your video is crucial
I recommend starting the meat of your video with, “In this video, I’m going to … show you (how to get from point “query” to point “results”). Then show how it works, how they can do it and what they need to do to produce results. And finally, when they can expect to realize those results.
Educate your viewers
Utilize a mixture of graphics that forces them to look. Demonstrate ownership experience by showing them a working example, as that links in their mind to goal manifestation.
Presenting a hidden benefit
If you’ve come up with a benefit not normally put out there (something your audience may not have heard of), that’s a unique curiosity hook. A lot of how to videos are based on hidden benefits.
If you start your video by underscoring your awards or achievements
When you want to convey trust in “know, like and trust” by underscoring your achievements, that’s a unique achievement hook. Would visitors rather watch a video on self-defense from a white belt or a black belt martial artist? A lobotomy by an intern or a brain surgeon?
Presenting a better way to accomplish something
If you can look at solutions from different angles, that’s a unique perspective hook. I can envision using this hook to sell any number of products or services, from dedicated servers to building a deck in your backyard.
Increasing the return on your investment tip
Remember that a confused prospect never buys! Present your video with a single action oriented goal, and match that to what the visitor AND you want.
Ending your video
Always end your video with an optimized call-to-action. Very simply, this is recommending that if you do this, you will get that.
In Summary
We started with tips on how to start your YouTube video, what types of hooks that absolutely help optimize them, covered how to increase your return on investment and how to motivate your viewer to take action, whether that’s to subscribe to your channel or link to your site.
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