If you are looking for the best Dedicated Server Hosting for your enterprise business, you have to look certain factors and decide it carefully. Not every hosting service offering bunch of servers becomes the best hosting provider and they are not cut all from the same cloth. Nowadays, web hosting & dedicated servers have become the necessity for online enterprise businesses, just like power, water and gas nobody wants them to go down even for minutes. In order to provide no-downtime solutions you need high grade equipment operated by expert hands to make them function all the time & in the series to serve you better we are presenting our latest offering.
Datacenter: Dallas (3000 Irving Blvd., Dallas, TX 75247 (3 Miles South of Dallas Love Field Airport)
- E3-1240v2, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $99/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v3, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $109/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v2, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $129/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v3, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10TB Bandwidth at $139/mo | Order Now
- Dual E5-2620, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $219/mo | Order Now
- Dual E5-2620, 64 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $239/mo | Order Now
- Xeon E3-1220 V3, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $99/mo | Order Now
- Xeon E3-1275v3, 24 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $119/mo | Order Now
- Xeon E5-2603, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $139/mo | Order Now
- Xeon E5-2620, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $179/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v2, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $99/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v3, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $109/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v2, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $129/mo | Order Now
- E3-1240v3, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10TB Bandwidth at $139/mo | Order Now
- Dual E5-2620, 32 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $219/mo | Order Now
- Dual E5-2620, 64 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 10 TB Bandwidth at $239/mo | Order Now
Datacenter: Singapore (Block 750D, Chai Chee Road, Technopark at Chai Chee, Singapore, 469001)
- Xeon E3-1230, 8 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 2 TB Bandwidth at $219/mo | Order Now
- Xeon E3-1270 , 8 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 2TB Bandwidth at $269/mo | Order Now
- Dual Xeon E5-2620, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 2 TB Bandwidth at $399/mo | Order Now
- Dual Xeon E5-2650, 16 Gb ram, 1TB Drive & 2TB Bandwidth at $599/mo | Order Now
Why Choose Prolimehost as your Dedicated server Host?
- Four DataCenter Location
- Enterprise Class Hardware
- 24/7 On site Technicians
- We use high-grade managed and fault-tolerant network devices.
- We constantly monitor our network and systems
- We have high speed redundant connectivity using multiple carriers & internal fiber uplinks
- We have expert staff trained to handle enterprise-level networks
- We use Cisco firewall and advance intrusion detection methods to prevent DDOS and unwanted traffic
- Guaranteed 99.9% uptime protected by service level agreement SLA
- We have scalable network with zero down time upgrades
Call 1-877-477-9454 or contact us. We’re here to help.
“yes our sales is available 24/7 on live chat”
Datacenter Features
- 20 Years of worldwide extensive experience in IT infrastructure
- 100% of power and network accessibility with redundancy and fault-tolerance system
- Multiple layers of communication with multiple premium bandwidth carriers
- Latest high volume air-conditioning with N+2 redundancy and control
- Smoke detection with pre-action sprinklers for fire prevention
- Biometric identification and accessibility
- video monitoring with on-site 24/7 personnel monitoring
- Anti static raised flooring
- Storage policies and hot swap hardware for disaster recovery
- On-site NOC operators with advance practical experience 24/7/365
Prolimehost also ensures an uninterrupted power source will always keep a customer online. we work with two different power stations, which are backed by fully charged generators that are able to run for 24 hours continuously.
We believe the key to the best business relationships is a thorough understanding of customer needs, priorities and expectations. We always strive to deliver innovative products and state-of-the-art technologies that meet the ever-changing requirements of our customer.
Too see Wide Range of Servers from Dallas, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Singapore Visit our Dedicated Server Page now
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