Category: General
First, what exactly are ransomware attacks and what’s the motivation behind them? Motivation seems easy enough to decipher – it’s monetary greed. In every instance I’d read about, there’s …
These six web hosting forums have survived the years, unlike numerous others that the industry lost in their rear view mirrors. Each of these forums are broken down into …
WHMCS is an extremely popular web hosting management and billing software that offers a range of modules to enhance its functionality. Here are some of the top WHMCS modules …
WordPress is beyond doubt, the most popular Content Management System (CMS) on the globe, followed by others like Joomla, Drupal and more, and part of that popularity comes because …
Unfortunately, a ton of websites get hacked or defaced everyday around the Globe. I’ve seen statistics that state up to 90% of all hacked websites are related to (CMS) …