Our NYC Data Center is Now Live

We are happy to let you know that our NYC DC is now LIVE; some exclusive deals are below for your reference.

All NYC servers listed here come with a 10G public port and 50TB outbound BW


128 core monster Dual EPYC 7713, 512G RAM, 2x 12.8TB Fast gen 4 NVMe & 2x 18TB HDD $ 899
AMD EPYC 7443p Fast 24c/48t, 512G RAM, 2x 1.92TB Fast Gen 4 NVMe $499
AMD EPYC 7443p Fast 24c/48t, 512G RAM, 12.8TB Fast Gen 4 NVMe $599
AMD Ryzen 5950X 16 Core, 128G RAM, 1x 1.92TB Fast Gen 4 NVMe $279
AMD Ryzen 5950X 16 Core, 128G RAM, 2x 1TB Samsung 980 pro-NVMe $219
Intel Dual Xeon E5-2683v4, 32 core, 256G ram, 4x 3.84TB NVMe $249
AMD Ryzen 5700G 8 Core, 128G RAM, 2x 1TB NVMe ** Only 1G port server $149

Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:f2d8:2005:2::143
Server Location: NYC, 60 Hudson Street

The NYC network consists of top of line cisco ASR 9010 routers, route optimization by Noction IRP, and these providers:

1x 10Gbps – NYI network
1 x 100Gbps – NTT Communications
1x 100Gbps — Zayo
1 x 100Gbps – TATA Communications
1 x 100Gbps – Telia
1 x 100Gbps – NYIIX

Lets Connect! Call: 877-477-9454. | Email: sales@prolimehost.com | Live Chat: www.prolimehost.com

Thank You
Steve Bloemer
Director of Operations & Sales

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